March VIP

Thursday night was our first VIP party for our first Very Important Patient. 
And we had a blast! 
The kids and the adults had a good time.

At one time, Dr. Rob was in the midst of the kids, teasing them with a hand-over-face trick (try this on someone: ask them to put their hand on their face and tell them to try to keep their middle finger on their forehead while you try to pry it off. When you let go, it smacks them on the forehead!).
And the pizza was great. Thanks, Streets of New York!

Any patient can become a VIP. But we will choose one awesome patient every month who meets certain criteria:

1. Always on time to appointments
2. Follows instructions (such as wearing rubber brands or adjusting an appliance)
3. Brushes and flosses teeth daily (Dr. Rob really can tell when you don't)
4. Visit your dentist regularly for check ups


Missy April 6, 2010 at 10:09 AM  

Wow! Looks like a blast! I want to be a VIP.

Robert E. Patterson, DDS, MS

Robert E. Patterson, DDS, MS
3033 N. Windsong Dr, Suite 201
Prescott Valley, AZ
t: 928.772.7353